Routine Health Info.

Animal health information on vaccinations

Dundas Veterinary Group support routine vaccination of dogs and cats in accordance with the guidelines from the vaccine manufacturer. 

As well as receiving their vaccination, your animal will also have a thorough examination which we believe is essential to the animal’s well being as it allows us to detect early signs of any problems. If you are bringing your puppy or kitten to the vets for their first vaccine and check up we will also give you lots of helpful advice and recommendations about the care of your new pet.
Dogs vaccines 

Dogs are vaccinated against: Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza and Leptospirosis.

Primary vaccination consists of 3 injections given 2 – 4 weeks apart. The 1st injection can be given at 8 weeks with the 2nd injection at 10 weeks of age and the 3rd two weeks later. Puppies can go outdoors one week after the 2nd injection. This enables early socialisation which is essential for your puppy’s development. If you feel that there is a situation which requires earlier vaccination please speak to one of the vets.

Booster vaccination is given annually. It is important to keep up to date because if a dog has not received a booster for 18 months, it will need to receive the primary course again. We will try and help you with this by sending out booster reminders!

Kennel cough. The intranasal kennel cough vaccine can protect against Bordetella Bronchiseptica and canine parainfluenza, the most common agents of this disease. It can be given to any dog, especially to those coming into contact with large groups of animals where infection might be present eg boarding kennels, training classes and shows. Ideally vaccination should be given a minimum of 72hrs prior to anticipated risk and can be given at the same time as the routine vaccinations.
Cats vaccines 

Cats should be vaccinated against cat flu, enteritis. Outdoor cats also require vaccination against feline leukaemia virus.
Primary vaccination consists of 2 injections given 3 – 4 weeks apart. The 1st injection can be given from 9 weeks with the 2nd injection 3 weeks later.

Booster vaccination is done annually and must be done within 15months otherwise the primary course would need to be done again.
Rabbits vaccines 

Rabbits should be vaccinated against Myxomatosis and Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (VHD1). This is a combined vaccine given annually. There is also a new strain of Viral Haemorrhagic disease (VHD2) which carries a high mortality rate. There is a new effective vaccine available which must be given at least 3 weeks apart from the Myxomatosis /VHD1 vaccine. The VHD2 is effective for 12 months.

Animal health information on worming 

Many dogs and cats carry roundworms and tapeworms. In young and infirm animals these can cause significant clinical disease. In adult animals, they may be asymptomatic, however they impose a significant public health risk particularly to children therefore it is very important that all animals are routinely wormed.

Kittens and puppies worming 

Kittens and puppies are often presented with a significant worm burden due to infection before and in the period immediately after birth from their mother. This can produce a variety of clinical signs. The vet will prescribe a wormer depending on the weight of your young pet and will recommend the appropriate worming interval, usually 2- 3 weeks apart.

Adult cats and dogs worming 

We recommend Milbemycin/Praziquantel wormer for dogs and cats over 6 months, usually given every 3 months depending on lifestyle.

Pregnant animals worming 

As mentioned previously, significant infection of puppies and kittens can occur from the queen or bitch before, during and after birth and during lactation. It is therefore extremely important to worm your breeding bitch/queen. Please speak to one of our staff who will prescribe a safe, suitable wormer.

Animal health information on neutering

 Bitches neutering

We mostly recommend neutering of female dogs at 5 1/2 -6mths old (before their 1st season) but the vet will advise on an individual basis. However, it can be done at any stage of the bitches life, preferably 3mths from her last season to avoid oestrus.
The reasons that neutering is recommended is the elimination of season and false pregnancies, a reduction in the incidence of mammary tumours, (this protective effect is progressively lost the more seasons that she has prior to spaying), and to eliminate the chance of developing pyometra, (a life threatening condition caused by infection in the womb).

Male dogs neutering

Male dogs can be castrated from 6 months. This helps to eliminate hypersexual behaviour, significantly reduce some types of prostate disease, and tumours around the anus and to help reduce aggression.

Cat neutering

We recommend neutering of both female and male cats if they are not required for breeding. This can be done from 5 1/2 months onwards.

Pet Travel to Europe from 1st January 2021

After the Brexit transition period has ended on 31st December 2020 there will be significant changes to the requirements for Pet Travel to the EU and Northern Ireland.

A UK issued Pet Passport will no longer be a valid document to allow entry into the EU and NI. Pets travelling will need an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) and fulfil the following requirements:

- Your dog, cat or ferret must be microchipped.
- Your pet must be vaccinated against Rabies and be at least 12 weeks of age.
- Wait 21 days after the vaccination before travel.
- If travelling to Republic of Ireland, NI, Norway, Finland or Malta, pet dogs must have treatment for tapeworm between 1 and 5 days before travel.
- Visit your vet to have an AHC issued no more than 10 days before travel. 

Please read the following government link to keep up to date with any new requirements:

We advise contacting the practice at least 14 days before your journey to arrange an appointment at an appropriate time to accommodate your pet’s requirements.

Treatment against ticks is now no longer mandatory but we strongly advise that this is still carried out to prevent tick borne diseases that are currently not present in the UK.
Treatment against tapeworm still needs to be carried out between one and five days before re-entry to the UK for dogs only.
Prevention of “exotic” diseases also has to be considered while your pet is abroad as it is not only rabies which the UK is free from – there are several unpleasant diseases which your pet may encounter depending on the country you are travelling in. Please visit the DEFRA website for the most up to date information.
Please speak to one of our veterinary surgeons who can discuss the above issues in more detail.
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